Sabrina Beckmann, Ph.D.

Sabrina Beckmann, Ph.D.

PhD, 2011, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, University of Oldenburg (Germany)
407 Life Sciences East
Tel. 3025698466

Sabrina Beckmann’s environmental microbiology team investigates the impact of microbes and microbial interactions on diverse biogeochemical processes, particularly the methane cycle (methane formation and oxidation), to employ microbes for enhanced alternative energy production, anaerobic digestion and sustainable biotechnologies. Research portfolios focus on microbial communities in agricultural soil and waste, oil, cave, marine and freshwater systems. We are exploring the enrichment and isolation of relevant bacteria and archaea and investigate their biochemistry, molecular biology (genome, transcriptome) and physiology. The projects are conducted in close cooperation with the government and the energy and agricultural industry bodies. Check us out!